Re: Re: What was your first computer?
By: Rixter to mary4 on Sun Sep 08 2024 10:30 pm
A Tandy colour computer 2 with 16k of ram.
CoCo here as well. My family had a CoCo 1 I think, pretty sure it must have had 16k at least, since it ran just about all programs available at the time.
(my dad was the Radio Shack store manager in my hometown, so we had Tandy this, Realistic that, all around the house.)
We moved onto the Tandy 1000 after the CoCo for the family's main computing needs, but I did get a CoCo 3 for Christmas one year when I was like 12 I think. Still have it, and it still works.
...He is all fault who has no fault at all.
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
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