• Orbs

    From Moon Raker@TIME to All on Tuesday, November 09, 2010 06:27:00
    You have to believe in ghosts and stuff. I believe the dead like to be visted. Short story. I had a friend several weeks before he died every picture not just one camera but others as well had orbs in it around behind or above the person. From different angles, different places and from atleast 3 different cameras at different times... I have had soo many of those werid experiences. Esp seeing things before they happenn but not able to control the power. Why is the world soo perfect.. like the titanic or the madoff guy you know what I mean.. (my spelling sucks..) Why does everything sound perfect. You can't tell me just because we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there... Anyway.. there's my 2 cents..

    þ Synchronet þ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games
  • From Nightfox@TIME/DIGDIST to Moon Raker on Monday, November 22, 2010 18:20:00
    Re: Orbs
    By: Moon Raker to All on Tue Nov 09 2010 06:27:23

    You have to believe in ghosts and stuff. I believe the dead like to be visted. Short story. I had a friend several weeks before he died every picture not just one camera but others as well had orbs in it around behind above the person. From different angles, different places and from atleast

    I've heard some people don't believe in ghosts because they believe that once someone dies, they are with God (or something to that effect).


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion BBS: digdist.bbsindex.com